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மே ( வலி சுமந்த மாதம் ) 18 - போர்க்குற்ற நாள் !

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to: uhrc@uhrc.ug, huripec@huripec.ac.ug, twinoben@gmail.com

Mr. Med Kaggwa, Chair, Uganda Human Rights Commission

Prof. J.Oloka-Onyango, Director of the Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC)

Prof. Ben Twinomugisha

Dear Sirs,

forwarded copy of my letter to the Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, Republic of Uganda


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இன்று தமிழ்த்தேசியத்துக்காக நான் என்ன செய்தேன்? - March 02, 2012


ஐ.நா.வின் தருச்மன் அறிக்கையாளர்களின் கருத்து: http://www.yarl.com/forum3/index.php?showtopic=98800


1) Ms. Sooka Yasmin

Executive Director

Foundation for Human Rights

Her E-Mail: YSooka@fhr.org.za

2) Mr. Steven R. Ratner

Bruno Simma Collegiate Professor of Law,

University Of Michigan Law School,

United States of America

His E-mail: sratner@umich.edu

3) Mr. Marzuki Darusman

c/o: Office of the Secretariat,

Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism

Office and Mailing Address:

Ground Floor, Ateneo Human Rights Center

Ateneo Professional Schools , 20 Rockwell Drive ,

Rockwell Center , 1200 Makati City ,

Metro Manila , Philippines

His E-mail: info@aseanhrmech.org


Dear honourable members of UN panel,

Subject: Revisiting Sri Lanka's Bloody War

I would like to thanks all of You for your continued work on Human Rights and more importantly continued impunity in Sri Lanka.

Like You all said this is a golden opportunity to reverse the mistake UNHRC did in 2009 and bring justice and peace for all in Sri Lanka.

Yours truly,

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to: sushma.swaraj@gmail.com, sushma.swaraj@bjp.org

Hon. Sushma Swaraj.

Leader of the Opposition,

Lok Sabha.

Dear Madam,

Re: Official visit to Sri Lanka

I do appreciate Your efforts in making the effort to visit Sri Lanka and I am quite confident this would help India to continue to move forward in the direction after supporting UNHRC resolution proposed by USA.

Be it the recommendations of LLRC or 13+ political solutions are in the hands of Mahinda Rakapakse led government. But, the international community led by India should be opened for any solutions, including a UN monitored referendum.

Once again thanks for your visit.


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  • கருத்துக்கள உறவுகள்

சும்மா ஜப்பானில் ஜாக்கிஜானை சந்தித்த அனுபவங்கள் .. அமெரிக்காவில் மைக்கல் ஜாக்சனை சந்தித்த தருணங்கள் .. மால தீவில் மாங்கா பொட்டலம் கட்டிய அனுபவங்கள் என திரியாது ... பொருளாதார நிபுணர் சொல்வது போல மெயில் அனுப்புங்க ..! அதான் நாட்டுக்கு நல்லது வீட்டுக்கு நல்லது.. இனத்திற்கு நல்லது..!அதற்காக தொடர்சியாக மெயில் அனுப்பும் ரெக்னாலாஜி என்னால் பதியபட்டுள்ளது..அதை பாலோ செய்யுங்க ..!!

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to: sushma.swaraj@gmail.com, sushma.swaraj@bjp.org

Hon. Sushma Swaraj.

Leader of the Opposition,

Lok Sabha.

Dear Madam,

Re: Official visit and disappointments

I would like to thank your visit to Sri Lanka where You witnessed the plight of Tamils first hand. While I am thankful, I am disappointed that a Sinhalese military man acting as governor and a man wanted for murder in India were the chief spokesmen for Tamils during your visit to the North.

I wish You had an opportunity to have a closed door meeting with the TNA, the elected representatives of Tamils. Only then they or anyone for that matter, could be truthful, sans fear from Sri Lanka's military.

I hope that this trip would result in empowering all, but Tamils in particular.

With warm appreciation,


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  • கருத்துக்கள உறவுகள்

நான் அனுப்பிவிட்டேன் தோழர் ..! உணமையில் வலி இருப்பவர்கள் தனித்தனியே 1300 இமெயில் அக்கவுண்டு தனித்தனியாக வைத்திருந்து அதில் திறந்து அனுப்பவேண்டும் இந்த எளியவனுக்கு இருப்பது வெறும் 23 அதை மெயின்டென் செய்வதற்குள்ளே போதும் போதும் என்றாகிவிடுகிறது..!

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 11:40 AM

அன்பார்ந்த தமிழீழ பிரஜைகளே, புலம் பெயர் உறவுகளே, தமிழகத்து சகோதரங்களே, மற்றும் மனித உரிமைகள் ஆர்வலர்களே!

ஈழத்தமிழரின் துயர்மிகு நாளும், முள்ளிவாய்க்கால் நினைவு தினமான மே 18ம் திகதியை நினவு கூருவதற்கான காலநேரம் அண்மித்துக்கொண்டு வருகிறது. நாம் எமக்கு அருகாமையில் உள்ள இடமொன்றில் கூடி வணக்கம் செலுத்த இருக்கிறோம். இனவேறி பிடித்த சிங்கள இராணுவம், அநாதரவாக நின்ற 146,000 மேலான அப்பாவித்தமிழ் மக்களை கொடூரமான முறையில், பல அக்கிரம செயல்களை நடாத்தி, ஈவிரக்கம் காட்டாமல் கொலைசெய்து மூன்றாண்டுகாலம் உருண்டோடிவிட்டது. இருந்தும் இந்த காதகர்களை பொறுப்பு கூறவைக்க நாம் இன்னமும் நீண்ட தூரம் பயணிக்க இருக்கிறது. உண்மையில், பலநாட்களாக, பல புலம் பெயர் உறவுகளின் உறங்காத உழைப்புக்களின் பின்னும், தமிழீழத்தில் நடந்தது ஒரு இனவழிப்பே என்று சர்வதேச சமுகத்தை பரந்த அளவில் ஒத்துக்கொள்ள வைக்கவேண்டிய வேலையை நாம் இன்னமும் செய்து முடிக்கவில்லை. இந்தமாதிரியான வெறுமைக்கும், இருளுக்குள்ளும்தான் முள்ளிவாய்க்கால் துன்பியல் சம்பவத்தின் மூன்றாம் ஆண்டு ஞாபகார்தநாளின் வணக்க நிகழ்வுகள் நடைபெற இருக்கிறது.

ஆதலினால்த்தான், இப்போது நாம், எமது இன ஐக்கியத்தையும், ஒற்றுமையான நோக்கத்தையும், தீர்க்கமான மனத்தையும், காட்டி ஒன்றாக உழைக்க வேண்டிய கால நேரம் வந்திருக்கிறது என்பது உணரப்படவேண்டியதாகும். அதாவது, 2009 ஆணடு ஏப்பிரல், மே மாதங்களில், வன்னி நிலப்பரப்பையும், மக்களையும் அழித்தொழித்து, அங்கிருந்த புல் பூண்டுகளைக்கூட விட்டுவைக்காமல் சுட்டுப்பொசுக்கிய இலங்கை இராணுவத்தின் செயல்ப்பாடுகள் உண்மையில் ஒரு இனவழிப்பே என்பதை சர்வதேச நாடுகள் அங்கீகரிக்க வேண்டும். நான் இந்த வருடம் அமெரிக்காவினது ஞாபகார்த்தநாள் கொண்டாட்டத்திற்கான ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர் என்ற முறையில், உங்களிடம் ஒரு தாழ்மையான வேண்டுகோளை வைக்க விரும்புகிறேன். எனது வேண்டுகோளாவது, நாம் எல்லோரும் இணைந்து, காரியதரிசி கிளின்ரன் அம்மையாரிடம், மே 18 திகதியை அண்டிய நாட்களில் ஈழத்தில் நடந்தது ஒரு இன அழிப்பேயென்று, தமிழருக்கு அனுதாபம் காட்டி, முள்ளிவாய்க்கால் நினைவுதினமன்று ஒரு இரங்கல் செய்தியை வெளிவிடுமாறு மனு செய்ய வேண்டும். கீழே காணப்படும் இந்த வரைவுக்குறிப்பை அல்லது அது போன்றதொன்றை நீங்கள் கையொப்பமிட்டு உங்கள் பெயரில் காரியதரிசி கிளின்ரன் அம்மையாருக்கு “ஃபக்ஸ்” மூலமாக அனுப்பி வைக்க வேண்டும் என்பது எனது தாழ்மையான வேண்டுகோள்.

கிளின்ரன் அம்மையார் தீவிரமான மனித உரிமைகள் செயல்ப்பாட்டாளர் என்பது நாம் எல்லோரும் அறிந்ததொன்று. அவரின் சேவைகளை நமது நாடு முழுமையாக பயன் படுத்திக்கொள்ள வேண்டுமாகையினால் உங்களையும், உங்கள் நண்பர்கள், உறவுகளையும் சேர்த்து இந்த விடையத்தில் தவறாது பங்கெடுத்துக்கொள்ளுமாறு கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறேன். ஃப்க்ஸ் செய்திகள் மின்னல் அஞ்சல்களை விட கவனத்தில் தெரியக்கூடியவை. அதனால்த்தான் நாம் இந்த வழியை பின்பற்றுகிறோம். ஆனல் அது உங்களுக்கு வசதியாக இல்லாவிட்டால் நீங்கள் மின்னல் அஞ்சலாகவாவது அனுப்பி வைக்கலாம். (பிரதானம்:தயவு செய்து ஒருவர் ஒரு ஃபக்ஸை மட்டும் காரியதரிசிக்கு அனுப்பவும். உங்கள் தெரிவு செய்யப்பட்ட பிரதிநிதியின் விபரங்கள் தெரியுமாயின் அவருக்கும் இதை அனுப்பிவிடலாம் )

By Fax No:1-202-647-1579 or 1-202-647-2283 with copy to 1-202-456-2461

Suba Suntharalingam

Commemoration of 3rd Anniversary of the May 2009 Mass Murders and Human Rights Excesses Committed by Sri Lankan Government

By Fax No:1-202-647-1579 or 1-202-647-2283 with copy to 1-202-456-2461

U.S. Secretary of State Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton

Department of State, Washington, DC.

Madam Secretary,

On May 18, 2012 the Tamils of Sri Lanka and of the Diaspora will once again solemnly observe the anniversary of the atrocities perpetrated by the Sri Lankan armed forces directed by the Sri Lankan Government.

While three long years have already elapsed since those unspeakable crimes occurred, no meaningful relief is yet in sight for the remaining Vanni Tamils or their dear departed. More than ever, it is now clear that the Government of Sri Lanka possesses neither the will nor the urgency to undertake an inquiry of the necessary magnitude. It is also clear that in the absence of any willingness on the part of the international community to move forward on this issue, there cannot be any credible investigation to find out the truth or to hold the perpetrators to account. There is no reason to hope that the cause of justice or international peace will be served well under such circumstances.

In view of the likelihood that there never will be another credible attempt to ascertain the number of casualties during the Mullivaikkaal atrocities of May 2009, the Tamils of Diaspora hold the figure of 146,679 people disappearing without a trace in the final eight months of war, as extracted by the Bishop of Mannar Dr. Rayappu Joseph from the official records of the Government and those of the UN, as an agreeable estimate of the number of deaths in Vanni in those days. For the confirmation that this number of casualties occurred due to a war directed against the Tamil Population of Vanni on racial and political grounds, we have referenced the Report of the United Nations Secretary General’s Panel of Experts Para. 251, Page 69. Therefore Tamils of the Diaspora conclude and declare that what occurred during the period leading up to and directly following May18, 2009 is an act of genocide, and a crime against humanity.

Madam, Secretary of State, even in this unenviable situation, the Tamils of Sri Lanka and of the Diaspora sincerely recognize your personal efforts to obtain justice for us and are grateful for that effort culminating in the UNHRC resolution A/HRC/19/L.2. The Tamils of Sri Lanka and of the Diaspora also note with appreciation your recently issued message of solidarity with the Rwandan people on the eve of their 19thanniversary of the Rwandan genocide.

Under these circumstances, Madam Secretary, it is my earnest personal request that you please consider issuing a message to mark the sacrifices of the Tamils in Sri Lanka on May 18, 2009 and expressing your hope, as you have always insisted upon, for a genuine reconciliation through executing the obligations of accountability that such grave crimes entail.

Thanking you sincerely in advance for a positive response, Madam,

I remain with hope,

Signature Date:



City: Country:

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[size=5]to: Chris.Alexander@parl.gc.ca[/size]

[size=5]Subject: Sri Lanka : Justice is in disarray [/size]


[size=5]The Honorable Chris Alexander, MP, Ajax/Pickering[/size][/size][size=3]

[size=5]Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Defence[/size][/size][size=3]

[size=5]Vice Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Prevention of Genocide and other Crimes against humanity[/size][/size][size=3]

[size=5]House of Commons, Ottawa[/size][/size]


[size=5]Dear Mr. Chris,[/size][/size]


[size=5]I would like to bring to Your attention where the Judges and lawyers are in continued boycott and protest after allegedly a Minister has threatened a sitting Judge. Continued impunity of the state in many months over the years have now resulted in this where ordinary citizens have long lost faith in the regime. [/size][/size]


[size=5]A young political prisoner has been killed by the authorities and the family has been left with no justice![/size][/size]


[size=5]I would like to encourage our government to continue to play an active role in UN and in Commonwealth to bring lasting peace to Tamils in Sri Lanka![/size][/size]


[size=5]Yours Truly,[/size][/size]

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I would like to encourage our government to continue to play an active role in UN and in Commonwealth to bring lasting peace to Tamils in Sri Lanka

கனடாவுக்கு வெளியில் இருந்து உங்கள் முகவரியில் அனுப்புபவர்கள் "your" or Canadian என்று மாற்றலாம். இல்லையேல் உங்கள் நாட்டு பா.உவுக்கு அனுப்புங்கள்.

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to: blaker2@state.gov,

cc: TealCL@state.gov

[size=5]Hon. Mr. Robert Blake,[/size]

[size=5]U.S. Assistant Secretary of State[/size]

[size=5]Dear Mr. Blake,[/size]

[size=5]Thank you for encouraging Sri Lanka to accelerate the implementation of the recommendations of its own LLRC and Action Plan, especially the mechanisms of devolution that will go a long way to address the root cause of the conflict in the Northern and Eastern Sri Lanka.[/size]

[size=5]Nevertheless, the accelerated state-backed colonisation of these predominantly Tamil speaking areas with Sinhalese from the South also has to be addressed for devolution to be meaningful, especially with the appropriation of historical lands belonging to the Tamils.[/size]

[size=5]In 2010 the Archbishop of Colombo, Malcolm Ranjit said that attempts were being made to change the demographic make-up of northern and eastern Sri Lanka, which currently have an ethnic Tamil majority.(1) By 2012 those allegations became a reality.[/size]

[size=5]Mr. Sumanthiran of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) in his submission to the parliament on 08.06.2012 said “….We have seen this in the newspapers and I am personally aware, that in areas like Nallur, Kondavil, (of the North) and many other places, the military has been visiting peoples’ private residences, asking for their deeds; telling them to come to the army camp. This happened two days ago, on Wednesday. They summoned people to an Army Camp, took them in their own vehicle to the Divisional Secretary’s office, and told them that the military has decided to take over some of those lands and that they are not to step into their own land.(2)[/size]

[size=5]In their submission to the UNHRC 19th session in March 2012, The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), in association with three Sri Lankan non-governmental organisations, drew the attention of the United Nations Human Rights Council to the alarming trend violations of the rights to adequate housing, land and property in post-war Sri Lanka.[/size]

[size=5]The government of Sri Lanka’s push for “development” is playing out in the form of forcible acquisition of land by State and private actors, including foreign corporations, displacing thousands of vulnerable people across the island. These actions undermine efforts towards reconciliation and recovery after almost three decades of war as they are further alienating, marginalising and disenfranchising communities of farmers and fisher-folk. (3)[/size]

[size=5]The former President Mrs. Chandrika Kumaratunga at a discussion held in the South Asia Policy Research Institute in Colombo confirmed in November 2011 that according to her sources “the military is taking over large chunks of land in the north. “Even when I was the president, the JHU and other extremists tried to convince me that the solution to the (ethnic) problem was to settle Sinhalese on the borders of Jaffna.”[/size]

[size=5]During her reign, the JHU had planted Buddha statues in several ‘hundred per cent Tamil and Muslim villages’ in the East and burned 100 odd churches during the same period, she added.(4)[/size]

[size=5]Today, the TNA politician Premachandran MP says that, ““The President says something for the public consumption, but in practice you could see Lord Buddha statues being unveiled virtually in every few hundred meters in Jaffna. He is encouraging such activities and has not taken any step to stop them. It is a fact that the Mosques are being destroyed and new Buddhist temples are being erected. Lands belonging to Muslims are being grabbed in the East while lands belonging to Tamils are being grabbed in the North” (5)[/size]

[size=5]“Salt on old wounds: Systematic Sinhalization of North, East and Hill country- a paper published by The Social Architects said “…… that the concept of Sinhalization extends well beyond the subjects of strategic state-planned settlements, land, military intrusion, boundary changes and the renaming of villages.[/size]

[size=5]Sinhalization has made its way into Tamil cultural events, religious life, economic activity, public sector recruitment and even the Sri Lankan education system. Since the Tamil community is attempting to recover from the devastating impact of the civil war and rebuild social networks and community structures, attempts to control and demolish socio-cultural aspects of their lives, such as the take over and destruction of temples, inhibit their attempts to engage in emotional healing and community regeneration even minimally.”(6)[/size]

[size=5]The US as prime mover of the March 2012 resolution, receiving a document from Sri Lanka in May 2012 as a basis for discussion of the Action Plan said that “The land policy of the governments should not be an instrument to effect unnatural changes in the demographic pattern of a given province”. Clearly the evidence presented here works against this understanding and especially the interests of the Tamil speaking people of the Northeast Sri Lanka.[/size]

[size=5]Not least, please let us join you and the American people to bemoan the sad loss of four members of the diplomatic corps in Libya under tragic circumstances. Thank you.[/size]

[size=5]Yours sincerely[/size]


(1) http://www.bbc.co.uk/sinhala/news/story/2010/11/101103_northeast.shtml

(2) http://www.sangam.org/2012/06/Sumanthiran_Speech.pdf

(3) http://www.forum-asia.org/?p=12229

(4) http://transcurrents.com/news-views/archives/6410

(5) http://www.jdslanka.org/index.php/2012-01-30-09-30-42/politics-a-current-affairs/181-systematic-sinhalisation-of-fishing-livelihood-in-jaffna-mullaitivu-tamil-politicians

(6) http://www.internationalpolicydigest.org/2012/03/20/salt-on-old-wounds-post-war-sri-lanka/

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  • 4 weeks later...

[size=5]From: Frances Harrison <francescsharrison@gmail.com>

Date: Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 10:57 AM[/size]

[size=5]Subject: Thank you

Dear Xxxxxxx, [/size]

[size=5]How sweet of you to email me via my publisher in Canada. I really appreciate you taking the time to write. You'd be surprised how much flak I am getting from Tamils, not the government.[/size]



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  • 4 weeks later...

[size=5]To: titkarsag.min@mfa.gov.hu

Cc: mission.ott@mfa.gov.hu, kat@mfa.gov.hu, new.missions@kum.hu, titkarsag.gva@kum.hu[/size]

[size=5]November 3, 2012[/size]

[size=3][size=5]Hon. Dr. János Martonyi[/size][/size]

[size=3][size=5]Foreign Minister, Republic of Hungary[/size][/size]

[size=3][size=5]Your Excellency Minister Dr. János Martonyi,[/size][/size]

[size=3][size=5]As a Sri Lankan expatriate currently living in Toronto, Canada, I am very sad to learn from an invitation sent to me about a lecture to be delivered by your excellency at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Colombo, Sri Lanka (Re: "European Union: The Way Forward" , November 7, 2012). Though I do not presume to comment on your views about the European way forward in the Sri Lankan context, the timing of your lecture really worries me as it coincides with the Sri Lankan administration's political witch-hunt to impeach the first woman Chief Justice of the country.[/size][/size]

[size=3][size=5]We all know that staunchest supporters of the Sri Lankan ruling brothers have been hosting similar events with the odd-one-out speakers in Colombo and abroad to distract the attention of the world community from their attacks on political dissent, press, judiciary and religious intolerance. Now the regime turns its fiercest wrath on the Chief Justice herself.[/size][/size]

[size=3][size=5]As a respected legal professional, your excellency knows very well how important is judicial system when the dictators have abused all other rules of democracy. I am confident that though you may not have been aware of the ongoing oppression of ethnic minorities, military rule and human rights abuses in the blood soaked and skeletons strewed lands of the north and east, it is my sincere hope that you will reconsider the decision to speak at this event for the sake of people living in all parts of the country.[/size][/size]

[size=3][size=5]Thank you for your time,[/size][/size]

[size="4"]Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.[/size]

[size=3][size=5]Toronto, Canada[/size][/size]

[size=3][size=5]The Crisis of Impunity describes how decades of Emergency rule and legal immunities granted to the President and other government officials weakened the checks and balances in the Sri Lankan government.[/size][/size]

[size=3][size=5]Sri Lanka: new ICJ report documents ‘Crisis of Impunity’[/size][/size]


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  • 2 weeks later...

[size=4]கோகன பேச்சு [/size]: [size=5]"Sri Lanka Looks Ahead - Winning the Peace"[/size]


[size=5]ஒரு பதில்: [/size]

[size=5]to: rbutler@uvu.edu[/size]

[size=5]Cc: mrigert@uvu.edu, [/size]karen.olsen@uvu.edu ,studentgovernment@uvu.edu ,[size=5] [/size]studentinvolvement@uvu.edu

[size=5]Dr. Rusty Butler[/size]

[size=5]Associate Vice President[/size]

[size=5]International Affairs and Diplomacy[/size]

[size=5]Dear Dr. Butler,[/size]

[size=5]The talk on the former British colony of Sri Lanka by his Excellency Dr. Palitha Kohona; delivered at the prestigious institution, would have been balanced if he had also touched upon the causes of ‘marginalisation’ and ‘inequality’ that led to the eruption of conflict between the Sinhalese speaking and Tamil speaking people.[/size]

[size=5]What has been happening in Sri Lanka a systematic cultural genocide of Tamil nation. Since 1948 when the independence was given, Tamil minority has been discriminated and marginalized. There were many pogroms and in May 2009 at least 40,000 civilians were massacred. And to this date, Tamils have been denied basic rights such as right to live in their land and cultivate.

I urge Your fine institution to hold accountable Sri Lankan official on these and other facts.[/size]

[size=5]Yours sincerely,[/size]

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[size=4]பதினோரு மொழிகளில் தனது போய் பிரச்சாரத்தை மொழி பெயர்க்கும் சிங்களம்.[/size]

இந்த தளத்தின் அடி ஆழம் வரை (bottom) சென்று பாருங்கள் !


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[size=5]Subject: Commonwealth Summit [/size]

[size=5]To: r.uku@commonwealth.int[/size]

[size=5]Cc: ictsecretary@kenya.go.ke, egov@kenya.go.ke, kenyahighcommission@rogers.com, op.registry@gov.bw,soefile@gov.bw, mbelanger1003@rogers.com, ghanacom@ghc-ca.com, distms@information.gov.mw, president@mail.gov.mu, aboolell@mail.gov.mu, Suresh.oogarah@sympatico.ca, csitongo@opm.gov.na,info@namibianembassyusa.org, mfapesey@seychelles.net, consulat.seychelles@sympatico.ca,president@po.gov.za, delsey@po.gov.za, leratoz@po.gov.za, johnj@po.gov.za, opm@dominica.gov.dm,JUrena@drembassy.org, foreignaffairs@dominica.gov.dm, j.key@ministers.govt.nz, pmo.@antigua.gov.ag,support@antigua.gov.ag, foreignaffairs@ab.gov.ag, info@antigua-barbuda-ca.com, governmenthouse@bahamas.gov.bs, sirarthurfoulkes@bahamas.gov.bs, ottawa-mission@bahighco.com, ppm@pmo.gov.my, malottawa@kln.gov.my,pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg, lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg, connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg, tharman_s@mof.gov.sg,s_iswaran@mha.gov.sg, van@sgmfa.gov.sg, shanthi@ntuc.org.sg, Kevin.Rudd.MP@aph.gov.au,Tony.Abbott.MP@aph.gov.au, A.Albanese.MP@aph.gov.au, info@pmo.gov.bd, bangla@rogers.com, tnwinfo@plancom.go.tz, es@plancom.go.tz, ps@pmo.go.tz, info@ugandaonline.net,uhc@ugandahighcommission.com, info@parliament.gov.zm, zhc.ottawa@bellnet.ca, info@presidency.gov.cy,consulcy@rogers.com, customercare.opm@gov.mt, maltaconsulate.toronto@gov.mt, bhco@bellnet.ca,ernest@ernestkoroma.org, diaspora@ernestkoroma.org, info@embassyofsierraleone.net,portaldogoverno@govnet.gov.mz, embamoc@aol.com, lesothoembassy@verizon.net, clerk@barbadosparliament.com, ottawa@foreign.gov.bb, secretarypm@opm.gov.bz, clerkna@bna.gov.bz,bdhillon@mainst.biz, belizemfa@btl.net, pmoffice@gov.gd, pmsec@gov.gd, minfor@guyana.net.gy,guyanahcott@rogers.com, clerk@japarliament.gov.jm, info@cabinet.gov.jm, hc@jhcottawa.ca,sknpmpresssec@hotmail.com, erasmus.williams@cuopm.com, consulatestkittsnevis@rogers.com,admin@pm.gov.lc, mail@embsvg.com, webmaster@ttparliament.org, ottawa@ttmissions.com,parliament.info@naurugov.nr, enquiries@mic.gov.to, presssecretariat@samoa.ws[/size]

[size=5]November 19, 2012[/size]

[size=5]Mr. Richard Uku

Director of Communications and Public Affairs

Commonwealth Secretariat[/size]

[size=5] [/size]

[size=5]Dear Mr. Uku,[/size]

[size=5]We greatly appreciate your recent news release regarding Commonwealth's Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma's call for the committment to upholding 'Latimer House Principles' and his deepest concern about the ongoing political witch-hunt to impeach the first woman Chief Justice of Sri Lanka. [/size]

[size=5]Incidentally, Secretary General's renewed appeal for a democratic culture and rule of law in Sri Lanka, coincides with the release of a damning internal probe report revealing the conduct of some UN's high-ranking officials for acting against their consciences during the ended war and aftermath, where Tamils were singled out to face the gravest abuses simply and solely on account of their Tamil nationality.[/size]

[size=5]One of the main reasons for the impeachment of the Chief Justice is said to be the 'presidential siblings' ire at her decisions on a new Bill (enabling the regime to expropriate any piece of land) and the consequent fear that she will stand in the way of the 19th Amendment of the Constitution. In Sri Lanka the Executive is seen to manipulate Parliament to marginalize the Judiciary. The machinations for this erosion of democracy has been through Amendments to the Constitution. The 17thAmendment did away with the Constitutional Council that had been conceived as an ideally representative Institution to perform the most important function of constituting independent Commissions that were to control the public service, the police service and the Judiciary. With this Amendment this function devolved on the Executive. The dictatorial powers, thus amassed by the President is at the root of the current culture of impunity and lawlessness in the country. The attempt to impeach the Chief Justice is nothing but the manifestation of the President’s displeasure at the Chief Justice’s dispensation in relation to an issue of paramount importance to the former to assert his dictatorial powers. Having perceived it as an affront and only the tip of the iceberg from the perspective of contemplated dictatorial strikes, the President resorts to the impeachment exercise, not only to remove the incumbent thorn but also as a lesson to future Appointees. The ruling clan of Sri Lanka will not tolerate any limit on their power, be it via devolution or judicial independence.[/size]

[size=5]If the Commonwealth still considers Sri Lanka as a democracy and a sovereign State with ultimate power resting with the people, it has to think again and this is an opportunity for the Commonwealth to do something right.[/size]

[size=5]The Canadian Prime Minister has already asserted that he would not attend the Commonwealth Summit 2013 In Sri Lanka. Last week, a powerful committee of the UK Parliament recommended that the UK Prime Minister should not attend the Commonwealth Summit. It is morally indefensible for the Commonwealth Secretariat to standby and allow Sri Lanka to host for a Commonwealth summit of Heads of States. It is in this respect that we humbly extend our appeal to all Commonwealth countries not willing to devalue their stature better act fast to cancel the Summit in Sri Lanka and, perhaps, choose another venue or postpone the Summit to be hosted by a deserving member state.[/size]


[size="4"]XXXXXX yyyyyyyyyyy[/size]

[size=5](via email)[/size]

[size=5]cc: Heads of Commonwealth Governments, Missions[/size]

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[size=5]From: Zambia High Commission <zhc.ottawa@bellnet.ca>

Date: Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 12:05 PM

Subject: RE: Commonwealth Summit

To: Xxxxx Yyyyyyyyyyyy[/size]

[size=5]Good afternoon and thank you, we confirm receipt of your mail of 19[/size]th[size=5] instant whose contents we duly note.[/size]

[size=5]Thanking you,[/size]

[size=5]With best regards,[/size]

[size=5]Zambia High Commission – Ottawa[/size]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Subject: Send UN troops to Sri Lanka
to: sg@un.org

10 Dec. 2012

Hon. Ban Ki Moon.
UN Secretary General
United Nations
New York, USA

Dear Secretary General,

Subject: Send UN troops to Sri Lanka

Since the end of civil war, UN has given ample opportunities to Sri Lanka despite available evidence of war crimes and genocide. And yet Sri Lanka has failed to make any progress in reconciliation.

Today, Sri Lanka has once again created a climate of fear and where more than 15 students and others have been arrested. And the people are requesting UN protection as they have lost faith in Sri Lanka's forces.

I kindly request to seriously consider the safety of Tamils in Sri Lanka who may be faced with another massacre.  Do not fail them again!


Thank you.

Yours Truly,

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Subject: Columbia University and the arrest of students in Sri Lanka
To: info@circacu.org, sgb@columbia.edu
Cc: editor@columbiaspectator.com, daf2122@columbia.edu, DP2366@columbia.edu, by10@columbia.edu, kl2391@columbia.edu

December 12, 2012

Dear Columbia University Student Leaders;


I was somewhat disappointed and puzzled to read a recent news report that a visit to Sri Lanka by a handful of UN representatives and diplomats to observe the post-war developments, was jointly organized by Columbia University. Though such 'guided tours' to the war-ravaged regions in Sri Lanka have not surprised me in the past, the involvement of the Columbia University this time, comes to me as a shock to hear. The Sri Lankan administration has mastered this political theatre of 'guided tours' to the international community through their selected delegations to hide the current military rule and rapid alteration of demography of the Tamil regions.

Last month, the United Nations released a partially blacked-out but damning internal probe report on Sri Lanka revealing the disgraceful conduct of some of the UN's high-ranking officials for acting against their consciences during the ended war and aftermath, where Tamils were singled out to face the gravest abuses simply and solely on account of their Tamil nationality. But the irony here is that Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN, Dr. Palitha Kohona who is charged with a complaint at the International Criminal Court for his joint criminal enterprise liability over the killings of white-flag Tamil surrenderees, is once again the 'tour' organizer leading the UN delegation.

The main reason why I am writing this is to draw your attention to a pressing matter about the recent arrest of university students by the Sri Lankan military in Jaffna - northern Sri Lanka. On November 27, when the Jaffna University students were peacefully remembering their fallen kith and kins, the Sri Lankan military entered into the campus hostels and reportedly broke lamps, threatened and assaulted the students, including girls. The following day students responded with a silent protest and short march and held placards denouncing the restrictions on freedom of expression. It was reported at least 20 undergraduates, including girls, were injured and beaten by riot police and military in civilian dress and brought to the hospital.  Four students were arrested on December 1st in Jaffna,  by the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) of the police. They are being held in Vavuniya for interrogation and are at risk of torture.

Still, the word 'terrorism' is being conveniently used by the Sri Lankan administration since 9/11, despite the world is witnessing dramatic changes in the form of 'Arab Spring' in its full bloom for the past two years. Sri Lanka has been a majoritarian regime since the Independence from British in 1948 and its military is exclusively Sinhalese, from ethno-majority community. Apart from the attacks on students, the regime is allegedly responsible for several white van abductions in Colombo and killings of political opponents, journalists and civil activists. Today, attacks on press, judiciary, places of worship, hospitals, libraries and even prison inmates are much more common in Sri Lanka.

It is in this respect, we urge the Student Associations of the Columbia University to join hands with human rights organizations in making concerted appeals to the Sri Lankan authorities to release the students from custody immediately.
We thank you in advance for any of your significant gestures.

Kind Regards,
Xxxxx Yyyyyyyyyyy

Toronto, Canada

(via email)

Editor, Columbia Spectator
Director, Peace-building and Rights Program
Amnesty International, Columbia University


Sri Lanka: Students at risk of torture following march:




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Sri Lanka’s Tamils deserve to be heard

Re: Why Does The World Ignore Sri Lanka’s Crime?, Elizabeth Haq, Dec. 11.




As tens of thousands of Tamil lingered under fire on a narrow strip of beach in Sri Lanka, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon did nothing and then made a trip to war zone after war ended and issued utterly forgettable statements. Then under the guise of examining the situation — an earnest quest turned ridiculous, when UN released many statements of blatant denials that Tamils were ever subjected to such horror.

This case brings to mind the old legal maxim, inter arma enim silent leges, essentially, in times of war, the law falls silent. Those with conscience who tried to protect Tamils from unimaginable savagery during the last stage of the war — the few righteous ones, represent a flickering spark of humanity in a world that had gone dark. To kill the innocent in a vast scale is horrifying; to deny the horror is simply inhuman. We must show a fidelity to history and humanity. Let us not wait until the Museum of Human Rights curates a history of the persecution of Tamils in Sri Lanka to tell the their story. Tamils in Sri Lanka deserve to be heard by the international community, at least now as the pendulum of oppression has clearly moved against them. If we cannot do that, then the tyrants have shaped not only these victims view of the world, but their humanity.

Roy Ratnavel, Vancouver.




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To: bdoherty@theage.com.au
CC: newsdesk@theage.com.au; thyland@theage.com.au


Dear Sir/Madam,


A senior Australian Doctor has been deported from Singapore for unknown reasons and unsure if at the behest of particular governments. He is elderly and never part of any violent or terrorist group.


This is of concern if it is intended to curtail freedom of speech.

If this is a measure from the GoSL as is suspected by some factions - it is not reasonable that the domestic values of SL apply to Australians and across the SL shores.




Dr Pupalan Iyngkaran MBBS FRACP

Cardiologist Royal Darwin Hospital

Senior Lecturer Flinders University

to: briansen@bigpond.net.au




Dear Brian,


We continue to admire you courage and determination.


I believe the entire Tamil diaspora - share my gratitude for the work you continue to do for the community.

Please advise us if there is anything we can do to carry your views on this matter forward.




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தமிழரல்லாத ஒருவரின் கடிதம், letter from Canadian Bar Association!



December 21, 2012

Via email: bcm@international.gc.ca


The Honourable John Baird, P.C. M.P.

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Lester B. Pearson Building, Tower A

125 Sussex Drive

Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2


Dear Minister:

Re: Independence of the Judiciary and Impeachment Proceedings - Sri Lanka

I write to express the concern of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) regarding the ongoing impeachment proceedings against Sri Lankan Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake and to offer the CBA's support and assistance for any efforts the Government of Canada may be undertaking to investigate or address this situation.


The CBA is a national organization of over 37,000 lawyers, notaries, students and law teachers. Our primary objectives include upholding the rule of law as well as promoting improvements in the law and the administration of justice, within Canada and internationally. Through its membership in the International Bar Association, the CBA has access to and relationships with lawyers all around the world.


On November 1, 2012, a resolution setting out allegations against Chief Justice Bandaranayake was signed by 117 Members of the Sri Lankan Parliament, all from parties supportive of the Government. The resolution followed shortly on a finding by the Supreme Court that provisions of a government Bill violated the constitution and required sanction from the country's Provincial Councils.


The allegations set out in the resolution included: failing to follow constitutional provisions by handing a court decision to the Secretary of Parliament instead of the Speaker of Parliament; not declaring all of her bank accounts to the auditor general; harassing a magistrate; and misusing her position. A Parliamentary Select Committee was appointed to conduct an inquiry into the allegations and delivered its report, in which it found the Chief Justice guilty on several counts, to Parliament on December 8, 2012. The Sri Lankan Parliament is expected to debate the report on January 8, 2013, following which a resolution may be passed by Parliament for the removal of the Chief Justice.

The CBA has grave concerns regarding the lack of due process evident in the impeachment proceedings against Chief Justice Bandaranayake and the direct involvement of the government at every stage, demonstrating a disregard for judicial independence and the rule of law. The removal of a judge should occur only in exceptional circumstances and following a fair and transparent inquiry by an independent tribunal. In this case, the Sri Lankan government laid the charges, investigated the charges and has the power to remove the Chief Justice by majority vote in parliament. By all accounts, the Chief Justice was denied an adequate period of time to prepare her defence (one week), was given no opportunity to cross-examine witnesses and was required to disprove the allegations against her (not afforded the benefit of the presumption of innocence).



The charges against Chief Justice Bandaranayake and the current impeachment process have received considerable international attention. The UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, The UN Human Rights Council, Amnesty International, the Commonwealth Secretariat and several Commonwealth legal associations have expressed their concerns regarding the deficiencies in the process, the erosion of judicial independence in Sri Lanka and a seeming pattern of political interference with the judicial system, and have called on the Sri Lankan government to comply with international standards for judicial appointments and removal. Internally the Sri Lankan Bar Association passed a unanimous resolution urging the Sri Lankan President to reconsider the proceedings and to enact a new process for judicial impeachment that protects the rules of natural justice.

Assuring the independence of the judiciary is crucial to upholding the rule of law. Judges play a key role in any democracy. A judge’s duty is to interpret and apply the law to the best of his or her ability. Citizens must be assured that judges act impartially and make their decisions free of any outside influence or interference. You are acutely aware of the widespread human violations in Sri Lanka, and we appreciate your statement following the UN Secretary General’s Internal Review Panel Report on Sri Lanka. Protecting judicial independence is critical to any initiative aimed at curbing these human rights violations. Courts stand as the last line of defence against injustice.


The CBA was encouraged that The Honourable Hugh Segal raised this critical situation during a Senate debate on December 12, 2012. We ask the Canadian government to urge the Sri Lankan President, before January 8, to reconsider the current impeachment proceedings and, longer term, to adopt a judicial impeachment process which serves to strengthen the rule of law and administration of justice. We would be pleased to assist you in this regard in any way possible.

Yours truly,

Robert C. Brun, Q.C.

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to: rbrun@harrisbrun.com


Subject : Re: Independence of the Judiciary and Impeachment Proceedings - Sri Lanka


Mr. Robert C. Brun, Q.C.


I want to thank You for taking time and wrote about impeachment proceeding in Sri Lanka. As a Canadian and former citizen of Sri Lanka I am glad to see people like you urging our Canadian government to take some actions on this serious matter. 


Canada should also boycott Commonwealth summit that would be held in Sri Lanka next year, should the impeachment take place. 


Have a happy holiday season. 




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  • 1 month later...

To: somprakashmla@gmail.com


February 06, 2013

Honourable  [shri:] Som Prakash, MLA
OBRA Constituency  Assembly,
Bihar State,

Dear Sir,

Subject: Denying sin in a scared land 


By all accounts the president of Sri Lanka is a person who is continuing to commit crimes against humanity. His hands have directly involved in the cold blood killings of at least 40000 women and children. And not a single death has been investigated. There are thousands continue to wait for their loved ones for years and decades. Today many continue to live in fear and freedom is oppressed.


I kindly urge to deny entry of Sri Lankan President.



Thank you Sir,

Yours Sincerely,


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      (19.03.03 இக்கதை எழுதப்பட்டது.2001 பொங்கலின் மறுநாள் நிகழ்ந்த ஒரு சம்பவத்தின் நினைவாக பதிவிடப்பட்டது இன்று 7வருடங்கள் கழித்து பதிவிடுகிறேன்)

      அந்த 2001 பொங்கலின் மறுநாள் அவனது குரல்வழி வந்த அந்தச் செய்தி. என் உயிர் நாடிகளை இப்போதும் வலிக்கச் செய்கிறது. அது அவனுக்கும் அவனது அவர்களுக்கும் புதிதில்லைத்தான். அது அவர்களின் இலட்சியத்துக்கு இன்னும் வலுச்சேர்க்கும். ஆனால் என்னால் அழாமல் , அதைப்பற்றி எண்ணாமல் , இனிவரும் வருடங்களில் எந்தப் பொங்கலையும் கொண்டாட முடியாதபடி எனக்குள் அவனது குரலும் அவன் தந்த செய்திகளும் ஒலித்துக் கொண்டேயிருக்கும்.
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    • பாலியல் சுதந்திரமின்றி பெண்விடுதலை சாத்தியமில்லை - செல்வன்

      Friday, 16 February 2007

      காதலர் தினத்தை வழக்கமான தமது அரசியல் நிலைபாடுகளை பொறுத்து அணுகும் செயலை பல்வேறு தரப்பினரும் உற்சாகமாக செய்து வருகின்றனர்.கிரீட்டிங் கார்டுகளையும், சாக்லடுகளையும் விற்க அமெரிக்க கம்பனிகள் சதி செய்வதாக கூறி காம்ரேடுகள் இதை எதிர்த்து வருகின்றனர்.அமெரிக்க கலாச்சாரத்தை திணிக்க முயற்சி நடப்பதாக கூறி சிவசேனாவினரும் இதை முழுமூச்சில் எதிர்க்கின்றனர். தமிழ்நாட்டில் பாமக ராமதாஸ் இதை கண்டித்து அறிக்கை விட்டுள்ளார். பாகிஸ்தானிலும், அரபுநாடுகளிலும் இதை எதிர்த்து பத்வாக்கள் பிறப்பிக்கப்பட்டு அதை மீறி இளைஞர்கள் இதை கொண்டாடியதாக செய்திகள் வந்துள்ளன.
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    • எனக்குப் பிடித்த ஒரு சித்தர் பாடல் (எந்தச் சித்தர் என்று மறந்து விட்டேன். கட்டாயம் தேவை என்றால் சொல்லுங்கள் எனது ஓலைச் சுவடிகளை புரட்டிப்பார்த்து பின்னர் அறியத் தருகிறேன்)

      நட்ட கல்லைத் தெய்வம் என்று நாலுபுட்பம் சாத்தியே
      சுற்றி வந்து முணுமுணென்று கூறுமந்த்ரம் ஏனடா
      நட்ட கல்லும் பேசுமோ நாதன் உள்ளிருக்கையில்
      சுட்ட சட்டி தட்டுவம் கறிச்சுவை அறியுமோ?

      சூளையில் வைத்துச் சுட்டுச் செய்த மண் பாத்திரத்தில் வைக்கும் கறியின் சுவை எப்படியானது என்று அந்தப் பாத்திரத்துக்கு விளங்குமா? அது போல, எம்முள்ளே எருக்கும் இறைவனை நீ அறியாமல் ஒரு கல்லினுள் கடவுள் இருப்பதாக நம்பி வெறும் கல்லை அராதித்து வழிபடுகிறாய்.
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    • களத்தில் தற்போது சமயம் சம்ம்பந்தமாக பெரியா கருத்து பரிமாற்றம் நடக்கிறது, அங்கே கருத்தாடு பெரியவர்களே, அறிஞோர்களே உங்களால் இறைவன் இருக்கார் என்று ஆதாரத்துடன் நிரூபிக்க முடியுமா...........? முடிந்தால் நிரூபியூங்கள், நிரூபித்து விட்டு உங்கள் கருத்து மோதலை தொடருங்கள்
      • 46 replies
    • சமூகத்துக்கு பயனுடைய கல்விநிலை எது?

      பேராசிரியர் சோ. சந்திரசேகரன்

      இன்று நாட்டில் உள்ள கல்விமுறையையும் அதற்கு அப்பால் உள்ள கல்வி ஏற்பாடுகளையும் நோக்குமிடத்து, பல்வேறு கல்வி நிலைகளை இனங்காண முடியும். அவையாவன: ஆரம்பக்கல்வி, இடைநிலைக் கல்வி, பல்கலைக்கழகக் கல்வி உள்ளடங்கிய உயர் கல்வி, பாடசாலையில் வழங்கப்படும் (1-11 ஆம் வகுப்பு வரை) பொதுக்கல்வி, தொழில்நுட்பக்கல்வி, வளர்ந்தோர் கல்வி என்பன, இவை தவிர கருத்தாக்க ரீதியாக முறைசாராக் கல்வி, வாழ்க்கை நீடித்த கல்வி, தொடர்கல்வி எனப் பலவற்றை இனங்காண முடியும். இவற்றில் ஆரம்பக்கல்வி, இடைநிலைக்கல்வி, உயர்கல்வி என்னும் கல்வி நிலைகளே முறைசார்ந்த (Formal) கல்வியின் பிரதான நிலைகள் அல்லது கூறுகளாகும்.
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