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President Barack Obama: Please do not meet with Dr. Subramanian Swamy

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இது e-mailலில் கிடைத்த கோரிக்கை. நீங்கள் இந்த நியாயத்தையே காட்ட வேண்டும் என்று இல்லை. உங்களின் சிறு நியாயம் ஒன்றுடன் கையெழுத்து போட்டுவிடுங்கள். 


Please sign this petition (See the link Below).

I just signed the petition and gave my reasons thus:

Subramania Swamy should not be allowed to meet the President.
He is not a Sri Lankan Tamil to speak for justice for the Tamils.
He has been anti Tamil all through his past Political carrier. Moreover, he is not in active political life now. 
Subramania Swamy was the architect of Rajiv Gandhi assassination.  With the colossal amount of evidence linking him to the killing, he had managed to use his influence not to face the Jain Commission. With the growing exposure of his role in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination by Trichi Velusamy in his recent book, he wants to get rid of any residual link that might trail him and send him to the gallows. That is why he is sidetracking the Tamil Nadu sentiments and blunting their reprisal by conniving with Rajapakse  so that the Eelam Tamils would be done away and there will be nobody to pursue justice for the Tamils  or find the perpetrators responsible for Rajiv Gandhi killing.  

Important files revealing the truth behind the killing had mysteriously vanished. They included
File No. 1/12014/5/91-IAS/DIII reported missing since 1995. It pertained to the terms of reference of the Verma and Jain commissions of inquiry.
File containing intercepted messages from foreign intelligence agencies, said to be addressed to Chandraswami and Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy, destroyed by senior officials in the PMO.
File on IB's assessment of the role played by Zail Singh and Chandraswami in 1987 to topple Rajiv Gandhi, missing.
File with records of official briefings by intelligence agencies on the assassination to Rao's home minister S.B. Chavan missing. The former minister confirms he was briefed orally.
The April 20, 1991, wireless intercept with the leading question—should Rajiv be killed in Delhi or Madras?—missing.
File relating to the Rao government's attempt to wind up the Jain Commission is still withheld from the panel.
What did some of these missing files have? Intelligence sources say one file contained intercepted messages as well as details of the movements of Subramanian Swamy and Chandraswami on assassination day

The Jain Commission that probed into Rajiv Gandhi Killing thinks so. The AICC has been pressing for these files and documents. And intelligence officials admit in private that vital evidence seems to have been suppressed to ensure that the larger conspiracy involving Subramania Swamy behind the May 21, 1991, assassination does not come to light.

Here,  we have Subramania Swamy the chief architect in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination making every effort to blunt the cry of the world community to bring the perpetrators of the Genocide against the Sri Lankan Tamils to book.  He should not be allowed to dupe the US President with his BS that no Tamils were killed



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நன்றி, நானும் கையொப்பமிட்டிருக்கிறேன்.

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நன்றி, நானும் கையொப்பமிட்டிருக்கிறேன்.

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      பேராசிரியர் சோ. சந்திரசேகரன்

      இன்று நாட்டில் உள்ள கல்விமுறையையும் அதற்கு அப்பால் உள்ள கல்வி ஏற்பாடுகளையும் நோக்குமிடத்து, பல்வேறு கல்வி நிலைகளை இனங்காண முடியும். அவையாவன: ஆரம்பக்கல்வி, இடைநிலைக் கல்வி, பல்கலைக்கழகக் கல்வி உள்ளடங்கிய உயர் கல்வி, பாடசாலையில் வழங்கப்படும் (1-11 ஆம் வகுப்பு வரை) பொதுக்கல்வி, தொழில்நுட்பக்கல்வி, வளர்ந்தோர் கல்வி என்பன, இவை தவிர கருத்தாக்க ரீதியாக முறைசாராக் கல்வி, வாழ்க்கை நீடித்த கல்வி, தொடர்கல்வி எனப் பலவற்றை இனங்காண முடியும். இவற்றில் ஆரம்பக்கல்வி, இடைநிலைக்கல்வி, உயர்கல்வி என்னும் கல்வி நிலைகளே முறைசார்ந்த (Formal) கல்வியின் பிரதான நிலைகள் அல்லது கூறுகளாகும்.
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